US Clinical Experience 

Watch these videos to learn more about how our Observership can help IMGs learn about the US medical system

We are excited to offer hands-on, personalized US clinical experience for our valued International Medical Graduates (IMGs) who are seeking residency positions in the US.
We are a private rheumatology clinic based in Houston, TX, and provide comprehensive rheumatology evaluations, joint injections, biologics infusions, and conduct clinical research, all in a collegial and friendly environment.
Dr. Nilanjana Bose, herself an IMG, can be a valuable guide and mentor for IMGs pursuing residency in the US.
US observerships can be critical for applicants to obtain letters of recommendation to help secure a US residency. To be eligible, the candidate needs to be a licensed physician in their home country and have a valid visa for the duration of their stay in the US. We offer observerships for 4-24 weeks, and the experience can be vital to their understanding of how US healthcare works in a private, community-based, rheumatology (subspecialty) clinic setting.

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Please review our US Clinical Experience Rotation Description
You can review our US Clinical Experience Visitor Contract
Please review our Visitor HIPAA Privacy Training Contract